Solstice Blessings ~ Gifts of the Dark and Light

I am so moved by what unites us, what  helps us feel our unity. For example, there are moments like the solstice tonight, that I celebrate, knowing it is also celebrated in wonderfully diverse ways across cultures and history. The etymology points to our shared experience. On this night, our sun (“sol”) appears to stand still (“sistere”) before the days start getting longer again (northern hemisphere) or shorter (southern hemisphere). Tonight is the last solstice of this decade. Here, in the north, we celebrate the return of more sunlight!

On this longest night, may we remember and experience the “inner” light that is always within us. Like the stars in the sky, they are there all the time, but it can be its easier to perceive them in the dark of night. There is a natural, dynamic union and balance of light and dark, day and night. The dark represents the inner spacious, mysterious, unknown places in us, places we are not aware of. Sometimes we are afraid of these shadowy places. We humans have often been afraid to leave the light of the fire when night falls and owl call. And yet, with the inner Light of love and humility, we can move into the dark, be with these places and open to other blessings and awareness! Our inner eyes adjust, we can see by the light of the yin moon.  Perhaps we notice circumstances to bring healing to, less known aspects of ourselves to love, things to forgive, creative ideas and inspirations. It is often easier to hear the inner voice of great wisdom when our outer senses are quieter. 

On a mundane level, in these darkening times, I have myself being moved to clear out old cupboards, closets, bringing light to the corners there and release what is no longer meant for me. And to listen for next steps in what wants to emerge through me.

Even in this often busy season, may you rest into the blanket of night, and allow the inner wisdom to shine like a star, to bring insight, renewal, and newness of the coming cycles for you. You are a blessing on this planet. I believe that now is a time of miracles as we allow it to be.  

As the day lengthen, I would like to invite you to be a part of the Awakening Voice/Power of Love Sound School that begins in February. In this year-long program, we dive deeply into nada (sound) yoga, raga, mantra, chant, breathwork, healing songs, and other transformative practices that allow us to deepen our roots, experience who we are, and allow Love to shine each in our own unique way in this world.

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu. May all beings everywhere have happiness that is beyond opposites and circumstances. 

Please watch for a new a video celebrating the new Light in mantra and voice on my youtube and facebook pages in honor of the new light in coming days
Much love,
Instagram: ginasalamantramusic